Murcia-Asturias 1 watt on 27705

by 30RC189


4 Responses to “Murcia-Asturias 1 watt on 27705”

  1. José Alberto Nieto Ros Says:

    You’re welcome.

    I have not could send the QSL via eQSL because the 11m band give warning in, but the contact have been possible with my Superstar 3900

    Many thanks Sebastien and Francois (14FRS801)

  2. 14fdx187 Says:

    many tnx for contact in ros mode on 11 meters.
    14fdx187 sebastien

  3. José Alberto Nieto Ros Says:

    Buen contacto Pepe!

  4. EA5SW - Pepe Says:

    El otro día hice un contacto con Polonia en ROS, 20 metros con 0.5 watios en el 817, y casi sin propagación

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