Archive for February, 2011

ROS opens the forgotten band‏

28 February, 2011

ROS  opens the  forgotten band , 5.367 MHz
On a  frequency  where time delay and  phase  distortion over
long paths  severely disrupt conventional   data  modes ….
ROS HF-4 , 25  watts  to  a 35  ft  vertical  resulted  in a  surprise
decode  from RN6AM  ,on a band  normally  considered  closed
during  daylight hours  to  all  but  NVIS  propagation , quickly
followed  by  spots  from Europe and the  UK

Australia on 80m again

20 February, 2011

ROS takes the Blue Riband Fastest live data to cross the Atlantic G > VE

14 February, 2011
MF History in the making , (again) at 21:34 gmt 13/2/11 Joe VO1NA decoded a full beacon decode from G0NBD , on frequency 502 KHz.

Not only was this the first ‘LIVE RTTY’ decoded over the Atlantic but at  2134 hours, was a quite unexpected event so early in the night , s/n ranged from -23 to -27 dB giving 100% decode from a ERP of 1 watt .

ROS MF demonstrating good ability to resolve signals with deep and rapid qsb , over 3500 kms path.

Note: In the last version, ROS MF Frequency is 500 Khz USB (carrier 501.5 Khz)

Export options

13 February, 2011

You can export the QSO in a .adi file or exclusively to HAMLOG.EU, or  or both….. by clicking in the options.

Frequency Link

13 February, 2011

Now it is possible to change the frequency clicking on this window:

(And congratulations by the -35dB reception in Iceland)


10 February, 2011

ROS Mode included on DX4WIN logging software (version 8.0.5).

Australia on 80 meters

3 February, 2011
